How Does Reddit Work?
How Does Reddit Work?
Like many other sites back in the early days of the internet, we saw message boards and chat rooms. AOL and Yahoo! had their own versions of topic message boards, like if you wanted to talk about boy bands you were getting the latest dirt from there. No one ever saw this one coming, Reddit is slowly becoming one of the bigger named social media sites out there. It used to be a site known for (and still is in some aspects), it's trolling but these days, Reddit has become one of the bigger social media platforms on the internet! How does this particular platform work and how can you be a part of it? I answer this question and more in this week's blog.
What is Reddit?
Reddit is essentially a massive collection of online forums with a plethora of topics that are divided into subreddits and it describes itself as the "front page of the internet" and it's not lying. It is the 5th most visited site in the world, according to Alexa. There's literally millions of subreddits, ranging from sports topics like /r/gifs, which is awesome and /r/todayilearned, which is a personal favorite of mine. Although they can get kind of weird, like /r/nosleep, which is known for their creepy stories.
How Can You Benefit?
As I explained before, Reddit is a treasure trove of amazing information and experts can chime in whenever they want. If you are a pest control company for example, you can give in your two cents on the /r/whatsthisbug subbredit. Like with any client or customer you are trying to acquire, it's all about relationship building, so no selling even though it's tempting, it's not the way to do business on a social media site. Giving your expertise and sharing your input on sites like Reddit would make people value you and if you do it right, you can get a lot of new customers! If you are a fashion designer, sharing fashion tips and other designers you like would be great on /r/fashion. If you are a doctor with a private practice, /r/medical would be a great place to start. Another personal favorite of mine is /r/IAMA, if you or someone you know is an interesting person, you can tell them to ask you anything!
How Exactly Will This Get Me Customers?
You might be wondering how talking to people on the internet, specifically on old school type web forums can get you customers. Well I am not saying it can or can't. I am just telling you that it's a great way to drive traffic to your sales funnel, and should get you the relevant customers you want! The amazing thing about sites like Reddit is the fact that you will see a lot of passionate people in your subreddit that will love to talk to you, an expert, about your field. The key is to find subreddits with a lot of subscribers, which will get lots of eyes on your post if people choose to upvote it.
SPB Productions Can Help!
Reddit is just one of the many social media platforms on the internet that is on the rise, and if you are not prepared to market on those channels, you can be left behind. Creating relevant posts and getting followers on social media can be extremely difficult, if you are not familiar with how each platform works, SPB Productions can help you create all of that and more. If you need help creating posts, elevating your brand, or just need some extra help with social media copy, contact SPB Productions at for more information or schedule a discovery call today!