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Self Care is the Best Care!
Hope you had a great 4th of July! I used this weekend to work and of course enjoy the wonderful freedoms we have by watching the latest season of Stranger Things! Did you watch it? If so, that was crazy, right? I love that show so much! Some of you may or may not know that I recently got laid off from my 9-5, which I think might be the best thing that ever happened to me. While I loved my job, it was also killing me emotionally, mentally, and even physically believe it or not. My stress level was through the roof, and without trying to give away all the details, the job itself wasn't what I signed up for towards the end.
I am not perfect....but neither are you
Changing your mindset is a long and evolving process that most entrepreneurs (including myself) are still learning how to do. There are just certain things that you can't predict in life, and this past couple of weeks have been very difficult for me. I got laid off from my job and a couple of things fell through for me that I didn't really expect to fall through. However, I've been very proud of myself for remaining optimistic about my outlook on life. I know that a year ago, that wouldn't have been the case. I would've been up all night listening to emo music and hating the world.
You've Been Laid Off...Now What?
Some of you may or may not know that I actually had a full-time job (complete with benefits and a 401k) along with having my own freelancing business. Well, sad to say I just got laid off from my full-time job. I would like to say "wow totally didn't see that coming!" however, I did. Most of you are business owners, but I am sure you all had jobs at some point, where it feels like it wasn't what you signed up for. That is how I felt towards the end. As an entrepreneur, I am like this is like the best thing that could've happened to me and that I should count my blessings. However, as someone with bills to pay, I am like "there goes that security blanket!".