Facebook's New Music Deal: What Does This Mean for You?

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Facebook's New Music Deal: What Does This Mean for You?

Advertising is such an interesting area in marketing, the way billboards and commercials are made is one of the best kept kept secrets in marketing and for good reason. It's because these forms of ads play with your mind. This goes into the digital realm as well. Psychology tells us that we are more likely to click on something we recognize or relate to the most. Think about it, did you ever click on an ad for something you really needed at the time, or maybe you clicked on an ad because you thought you heard your favorite song? That is exactly what is happening with the new music deal that Facebook signed with Universal Music Group.

Ads Now Have Good Songs!

Facebook is now targeting emotions and feelings, with relatable content like putting familiar songs in their ads. While ad targeting on Facebook is not new, putting familiar music from the likes of Adele, and Taylor Swift is a game changer for users that want to put music in their videos. Now, anyone who wants create a Facebook ad out of videos can target people who listen to the songs that are put in them.

Targeting just became easier

Many people are divided are the ethics of Facebook ad targeting but this new deal with Universal will make videos so much easier to make. Statistics show that re-targeting Facebook ads work. In fact, potential customers are 3x more likely to click on your ad than people who haven't. We see this in other forms of advertising as well, remember those famous super bowl commercials that they played over and over again? BUD- WEIS-ER, you know the ones with the toads?

This ad ran for five years! I am sure they gained new customers because of it. The same goes for Facebook ads. They are effective and are far more powerful than that ad.

I Can Help!

From ad boosting to making an ad from scratch SPB Productions can do it all. Diving into new parts of social media including putting music in ads is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time, and I would love to do it for you! Take a look at my portfolio to see the other videos that I have done. With all the stress of having a small business to run, let social media be one less burden! Contact me at supriya@supriyaprasad.com or send me a message on my Facebook or Twitter pages and I will get back to you!


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