Mary Meeker's Social Media Trends List
Mary Meeker's Social Media Trends List
We are on our phone daily as a society. Whether we are talking to a family member, texting our friends, or taking a picture of that salted caramel donut that you had for National Donut Day yesterday and posting it on Instagram. As a society, we crave the attention and we crave the approval we seek from others. This is why social media is so popular, especially on mobile devices. If you are a business that deals with e-commerce then according to the famous Mary Meeker Social Media Trends List, you would've seen a drastic increase in sales over the years if you were marketing on social media.
What is it?
The social media trends report is a small part of a bigger internet trends report and it's a highly anticipated by social media marketers everywhere. Mary Meeker is a venture capitalist and a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, has been heavily involved in the tech industry since the early 80's. Where she worked at Morgan Stanley as an analyst and wrote her first book, The Internet Report, in 1995. The report is very large but the highlights of all social media and digital marketing trends is very significant, particularly for mobile device advertising.
How Am I Affected?
The report states that there is still plenty of opportunity for mobile advertising even though there is a lot of money still being spent there. What is even more interesting, is that print and radio advertising are still alive and kicking even though the time vs money allocated is not aligned. To put it simply, print and radio are on their way out and while most people view their ads on laptops and mobile devices, TV is still looked at as a viable media source. If you are looking to advertise against the big guys, mobile and desktop is still the way to go.
People Buy After Seeing the Product on Social Media!
Meeker's report also notes how people are more likely to buy a product after seeing it multiple times on social media first. The report notes that "78% of social media users are more likely to discover a product on Facebook more than any other social media site". The same report also states that "55% of users will buy a product after discovery on social media". If you are a service or product based business, this would be extremely useful information for your social media pages.
SPB Productions Can Help!
These trends in social media are always changing, but one thing that will stay consistent is the fact that mobile advertising continues to rise. If your website, social media, or any of your landing pages aren't mobile ready or mobile ad ready, then you will be left behind! If you are ready to take your social media to the next level for all of your business pages, SPB Productions can help! We can help you figure out what your brand needs, and get a completely customized strategy that is right for your type of business. If you want to learn more, please contact us at for more information today!