How Your Chakras Relate to Your Business
How Your Chakras Relate to Your Business
When we think about our business we tend to operate with our left side brain. That is our logical, critical thinking side. It's where we tend to make all of our decisions as a CEO. However, as empaths, psychic intuitive, and just all-around spiritual people, we tend to use both in our decision making. All of last year it seems that all my lower chakras were really off balance, and I saw some reiki practitioners about it too. I was really stressed, tired and I got sick earlier this year. It looked to be COVID and I felt like I was never going to recover. For a long time, I wasn't closing the leads that I wanted to close, and it seemed that nothing was moving. However, when I started to purge all of my emotions that were clearly coming from my root, sacral, and solar plexus, it was a release that needed to happen.
We Store Our Emotions in Our Chakras
Let's think about this for a second. We all store our emotions in our bodies in some way shape or form. When certain emotions are left unchecked and unbalanced, it manifests in some sort of illness or pain. Lower back pain can be a sign of an unbalanced sacral chakra. In this world, we are constantly leaving our emotions at the door, and when we don't deal with them, we are waiting until something happens like a complete meltdown in front of the office or in your room. Whether it's crying or screaming at our loved ones because you decided to build it up, and not deal with it right then and there.
The Root Chakra
The root chakra is located in the tail bone in our body and it represents the survival mechanisms of our bodies. Things like food, money, and independence all come into play when dealing with this chakra. When this is unbalanced, we can feel stressed and frustrated. The decision-making process in our business can feel a little bit rushed, stress-filled, and you come from a place of scarcity when you are trying to close a sale. The lack of stability, whether it comes from your most recent move, job changes, or diet changes, affects your root chakra. When this chakra is balanced, you will make decisions based on abundance, and you will feel relaxed as you are making these decisions.
The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is located two inches below the navel on your body and it represents stability, but it also represents relationships, abundance, and well-being. In business, we operate from this chakra when we are trying to form relationships and build our businesses. When this is unbalanced we can feel unsatisfied in our business, not feeling good enough, and make decisions based on lack, and feeling unconfident. It's very easy to get this way but can fight this. Our world tells us that we need to feel like we are constantly not good enough, and we need more in our lives. When we really need to just work towards being our best selves. When this chakra is balanced, we come from a place of giving, grace, and create long-lasting relationships.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is located just above the abdomen, in the gut area. It represents self-esteem and self-worth. When this chakra is unbalanced you will experience a lot of lack in your self worth, which for most women actually manifests to a lot of weight gain too. When we don't feel worthy, we often price our services much lower than we need to, the sales pitch doesn't land, and we feel unconfident in ourselves. When this is balanced, we feel very confident in ourselves, we lose (or gain) weight, and we feel at home with our business.
The Heart Chakra.
The Heart Chakra is located right in the center of your chest or just above the heart. It represents compassion, love, joy and inner peace. When this chakra is unbalanced, there's a lot of inner tormail that happens, a lot of irritation, disgust, deciete, and just a closed off nature in the person. In business, a lot of people who have the heart chakra closed or blocked will come off "cold" or "reserved". While in the corporate world, this might be seen as a good thing. You will lose your sense of empathy. The heart chakra when it's balanced, will give your business that empathic feeling along with the logical or analytical side..
The Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is located right in the throat of course. It represents communication and when it goes unchecked it can lead to thyroid, vocal chord, or respiratory issues. Communications is so important in many businesses, when you don't have good communication flows in your business the whole process will fall apart. When this is unbalanced you will obviously have a lot of communication issues. Whether it is with your partners, teams, clients or mentors, if you don't have the right workflows to automate your processes. When your chakra is balanced you will be able to speak clearly, and your words flow flawlessly whether it's on paper, print or a podcast.
The Third Eye Chakra.
The Third Eye Chakra is located right in between your two eyes. It represents intuition, imagination, creativity, and the ability to make decisions. This is so important for any business because using your intuition or your gut, is far more important than what looks good on paper. When you don't listen to your intuition, you will most likely get the opposite outcome of what you are trying to go for. Third eye also rules creativity, so you will most likely feel uninspired. In business, having an uninspired business can slow down sales and make it feel very robotic in turn. When you are balanced, you will get aligned with the right clients, and be creative with your work.
The Crown Chakra.
The Crown Chakra is located on the top of your head and it represents spirituality. How spiritual are you in your business? Are you seeing the inner and outer beauty of it? Are you in pure bliss? If not then you will need to work on it. This is the hardest chakra to balance because we are so attached to our 3D world. When we deattach ourselves from what we are told to want and need in our lives, like a stable job, 2.5 kids, white picket fence home, etc, we come across a whole new world of possibilities. How does this relate to your business? Seeing your business as not a business. You are in business to help others with your specific gift. When you look at it from that point of view, then the need of seeing it as a money making machine will go away.
How The Spirit Digital Can Help You!
There is a huge correlation between your chakras and how you run your business. When you connect with your soul to who you want to serve, it just runs better. The Spirit Digital not only helps you connect your chakras, do meditation rituals, and see blocks in your business, but we do the technical marketing strategy work too. From Facebook ads to creating graphics, we create custom social media strategies that convert your followers into clients. Interested? Let's get on a quick 15 minute consultation today.