Content Marketing for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Content Marketing for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Content Marketing is the Way to Go in 2023
I am a Manifesting Generator, which means I have to attraction marketing to get the leads I want. Believe me, once I started to learn about my blueprint (human design) everything was different. I started working with my coach to create a marketing plan that works FOR ME. Not for everyone else who is doing the same thing anyway. I knew that my marketing plan had to change.
We are unique because many spiritual businesses deal with a person’s emotions and mental state. It’s not so cut and dry like every other business out there. This means that marketing for this type of business is different than marketing for other types of businesses.
The best way to market for most spiritual businesses is through content marketing. Content marketing can be done through blogging, creating videos, podcasts, or any other form of content that gets your message out there to your target audience. For many spiritual entrepreneurs, I suggest doing some form of video (going live, creating TikTok videos, creating YouTube videos, repurposing old videos, and pushing them into a reel on IG, etc.)
Why Podcasting is Important for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
I am personally going to start a podcast very soon and I will be covering a wide range of topics, not just about marketing but about spirituality in general. How I came out of the spiritual closet, astral projection, crystals, how to navigate the internet as an empath, etc. Podcasting is a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level. It allows you to share your message and stories with people who are interested in what you have to say.
Marketing yourself with a podcast is one of the best things and easiest things you can do because you can repurpose that content into your social media content for the entire week.
One 15-30 min podcast episode can turn into
3 Quote Tiles
3 video splices
1 promo post
Boom! You have a week’s worth of content. All you need to do is create templates in Canva for each of these and just copy and paste!
You Need to Go Live!
It’s taken me a VERY long time to go live on social media. It was actually a really big fear of mine, believe it or not. I was really worried about what other people will think about me and I hated wearing make-up so I didn’t want to not look my best going live. However, there were so many times I went live without make-up in the past year and no one said I looked awful. It was all in my own head. It wasn’t until I got challenged to go live every single day that I realized how effective going live was.
Spiritual businesses are not the only ones who can benefit from going live on social media. You can use it as a marketing tool to attract new followers and build your community. Going live on social media has proven to be successful for businesses of all types. They provide a way for companies to reach more people without the need for additional advertising, which is especially helpful for small businesses that cannot afford traditional marketing budgets.
Posting Consistently on Social Media (How I got 1,000 Followers On TikTok)
This has been a game-changer for me and for my business. Once I started getting consistent about posting on social media, I started attracting the people I really liked. Posting 1-2x/day on social media, whether that is a video, a live, or a still photo will definitely be a game-changer for you too. When you get consistent you will see results. This is true on my TikTok Channel, where just being consistent I was able to hit 1,000 followers fairly quickly.
It’s because social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is impossible to go through the day without checking your social media accounts at least once. The people who use social media are on it for hours on end. They spend so much time on social media that they have become addicted to it. Social media has become a part of their routine, and they feel like something is missing if they don't check their feeds every hour or so.
Spiritual business owners can use this to their advantage by posting consistently on social media about their business and products. This will not only help them with marketing but will also help them connect with the people who are looking for spiritual guidance in their everyday lives.
Create Videos Daily
All of this goes together, but you should also consider making one of your content pieces a video. Whether that is a TikTok video (repurposed into a reel on IG, and reposted elsewhere), or whether that’s a full-length podcast video on YouTube. You need to start documenting your process, the behind-the-scenes, and how the service or product works. Someone will like it.
Video marketing is a powerful tool for spiritual businesses. It can be used to share what the business does, create a sense of community, and build trust with potential customers. Video content is popular because it's easy to consume. You can watch a video while you're scrolling through your feed on social media, waiting for a train, or even when you're in the bathroom! It's also an effective medium for storytelling and conveying complex messages.
How You Can Get Started
“But Supriya, how do I even get started?” There are a million ways to get started, but here’s a basic plan:
Choose a topic of the week. (Go to to get what people are searching for in your specific area)
From that topic create a long-form piece of content (a blog post, podcast, or a 20 min video from your YouTube Channel)
Splice that video into 4 5-10 min videos and edit it for social media. (Make your own subtitles and branding)
Splice those videos into 4-5 2-3 min videos for your stories and promo content.
Splice those videos into 4-5 30 secs - 60-sec videos for your TikTok and IG reels. (Go to to take off the TikTok watermark to repurpose elsewhere)
BOOM! You have at least two weeks’ worth of content ready to go! Now think about how you can create multiple pieces of long-form content per week, you will have three months’ worth of content in no time.
Remember it’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter!
If you want to create quote tiles and photos in between those videos, all you have to do is:
Take a screenshot of yourself in that video, or just take a selfie, then post about what you were thinking in that clip.
Take a quote from your piece of long-form content, create a template from Canva and post it. I suggest you rotate three types of templates.
BOOM! There’s your social media strategy for 2022.
If you want to not focus on social media, you can use this same strategy for SMS marketing or email marketing. If you don’t have a podcast, use a blog and create videos off it! That’s literally what I am going to do with this blog post!
But you don’t have to do it alone… Let’s do a free networking call!
Spiritual businesses are way different than any other business out there. They often need the heart to go with the strategy and that’s what I do best. Creating a sustainable marketing strategy starts at the root, which is your root chakra, I go into your business chakras and personally develop the strategy that is right for you! Interested? Schedule a call with me right now!