How You Can Align The Throat Chakra in Your Business
How You Can Align The Throat Chakra in Your Business
What is the Throat Chakra?
The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is the fourth or fifth chakra, depending on the system you use. It is located at the top of your throat and deals with creativity, expression, and communication. It also deals with self-expression, personal power, and how we use our voice to create change. Vishuddha is about self-expression and communication. It's a place where we can tap into our creativity and express ourselves in a way that feels safe. The throat chakra also deals with how we use our voice to create change in the world - it's about personal power.
The throat chakra is best represented by the color blue and in business, we see blue in many logos from American Express to Samsung to Facebook to Walmart to Intel. All of these companies represent communication in some way shape or form. It’s not just about what they communicate, it’s about HOW they communicate. It’s all about what systems they use externally and internally that determine the best communication platforms for their employees and customers.
The Role the Throat Chakra Plays in Small Businesses
The throat chakra has a significant impact on how you communicate with others, and how you express yourself in the world. In many cases, this means that communication rules the throat chakra in business, so this means all of your external and internal communication efforts: your email marketing, social media marketing, SMS/text marketing, press releases, your PR, website, blog, SEO strategy, etc. Marketing for small businesses is a tricky thing to get right. In order to stand out from the crowd, it's important to have a strong communication strategy in place.
Your internal communication is as important as external communication. This chakra influences your ability to speak up for yourself, your thoughts, and your feelings. If this chakra is blocked, your employees might feel shy or unable to voice an opinion about something that matters to them. This can lead to feeling like their voice isn't heard or respected, which can lead to a lot of things falling apart in the company because of miscommunication. If you are a company that has no employees (self-employed), then you need to look at how your systems work when you are speaking to others regardless. Do your messages look good before you send them? Is your branding clear on your website? These are the things you need to look at if you are self-employed.
Signs You Have a Blocked Throat Chakra in Business
A blocked throat chakra in business can look different in many businesses, but they all have the same general feel to them which is a lack of communication.
Here are signs that you have a blocked throat chakra in your business:
Inconsistency on social media. - There isn’t a clear strategy with your social media campaigns and your posting isn’t consistent. There is no call to action at the end of the post and you are just posting what you see from other people in your industry. You are posting for the sake of posting content.
Lack of brand clarity. This one is a little bit more general, but it’s all about the lack of branding all across the board. Your social media, your website, your emails, etc. They don’t have the same message throughout. When people come to you, they don’t know what you do because your website doesn’t explain it (ouch! that one hurts).
Your copy isn’t strong. This is a hard one for many business owners, but if you don’t have strong copy that can sell to people over and over again then you need to open up that throat chakra a little bit more. Your self-expression must pour out of you when you create copy (whether it’s for your emails, your social media, your sales page, or your website). Creating stories is a big part of communication because people buy STORIES not what you sell.
Your systems fall short. It isn’t just about marketing and branding, it’s all about your internal systems too, or the user experience on your website. How easy is it for them to book a discovery call, buy your product, or schedule an appointment? If it takes more than 3 mins, then you need to improve on your funnel. How long does it take for someone to get on your email list from your website? How long does it take for the intro email to get to their inbox? Does it go to spam? Do an audit of all of these systems.
These are only a few signs that your throat chakra is blocked, but it definitely gives you an idea of where you should start.
How Can I Clear The Throat Chakra on My Own?
Clearing your throat chakra for your business isn’t easy, and it’s actually the number one reason why people hire me. However, you can do this by yourself if you have the time. You can start by doing the following
Create copy on your own, don’t hire a person to mimic your voice. If you do hire someone, make sure you work with them closely to have your voice down. I see this mistake all the time and no one is going to know how to sell more than YOU (this is why I tell people they need to learn how to close if they don’t know how to close).
Get a scheduler for your social media posts (I LOVE Metricool!)
Make sure every single piece of content you put out there is branded with your logo. You’d be surprised at how many people do not do this. How do you expect people to know who you are and what you do without great copy and a logo?
Do an audit of your internal systems. See what is working and what is not working. Is your sales page connected to PayPal or Stripe when they check out? These are questions you need to ask yourself.
Make sure the message you put out is congruent to the one you want! If you have new services and products, make sure to update the story to reflect all of your latest products and services!
When you do all of these things, you can open up your throat chakra a little bit more for your business.
What Else Can I Do?
How can else can you clear the throat chakra? There’s more you can do. You can not only clear the throat chakra by doing the things above, but you can also work on your voice a little more.
You can:
Get into speaking, tell your story in more detail, and get your marketing materials to reflect that.
Practice your elevator pitch on someone you love or trust.
Speak out on causes you are the most passionate about (activism, communities, etc)
Communicate your feelings with your close friends and family
You might need help with a therapist or a life coach if you have trouble doing the last one. Communicating your feelings is a huge part of the throat chakra and if you have issues doing that, to begin with then your throat chakra won’t be open all the way.
Wanna Learn More?
If you wanna learn more about how to clear and heal ALL chakras, I am doing an intensive called 3 Days to Align Your Business Chakras, where I not only tell you how to heal the chakras on a spiritual level BUT also on the technical level as well.
Day 1 - What each of the chakras represents and how they relate to your business.
Day 2 - Dive in deep with your business chakras, which systems you should use, what kind of social media platforms would work for you, etc.
Day 3 - Implementation! We will go into your messaging and voice (throat, solar plexus, and sacral and root chakra). We will do a copywriting workshop where I will teach you how to write your own copy, and find your own creative voice. I will also go do a Q&A after.
This offer is easily worth over $1,500, but I am giving it to you for $99.
Register here: