Unlock the Power of Social Media Marketing with The Root Chakra
Unlock the Power of Social Media Marketing with The Root Chakra
Creating a Social Media Strategy with The Business Chakra System™
For heart-centered entrepreneurs, success is not just about money or fame. It’s also about connecting with your inner self and using the power of your body and mind to create a successful business. One way to do this is by creating a social media strategy that incorporates your chakras in your body. By understanding how each chakra works and how they interact, you can create an effective social media strategy to help you reach personal and professional goals.
The chakras are energy centers within our bodies linked to different aspects of our lives. When we use these energy centers to create a social media strategy, we can tap into the power of our spiritual selves and use it to create content that resonates with our target audience. We can also use this strategy to connect with potential customers and build relationships. With a well-thought-out social media strategy, heart-centered entrepreneurs can reach their goals faster and more efficiently than ever.
Using The Root Chakra
The root chakra, or Muladhara, is all about your safety, security, and stability. This rules everything about what creates income in your business. If you don’t know what your offer(s) are on social media or aren’t sharing your offers, what are you selling? Your core offer and the audience you are selling to are the root of all things social media marketing related. Here are the things you need to ask yourself before you begin a social media strategy:
Where is my audience? Remember that each social media platform has a different audience, so narrowing down who you want to market to, who you like working with, and which platform they use will be essential. Ex: Pinterest is used by mostly women, Gen Z and millennials use Tiktok, high-end entrepreneurs use LinkedIn, spiritual entrepreneurs use Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Tiktok the most (because they like to see people on video!)
Who is my audience? Remember that each niche has the potential to be a gold mine, but you need to figure out and RESEARCH if the niche you are looking for NEEDS your service. Chiropractors who have spent decades in the industry will likely want mailers instead of social media. However, using a mailer to deliver a QR code to inform people about their next in-person event leads to signing up for their email sign-ups. As an 18-year-old influencer looking to start her business with an audience, she gathered on TikTok.
What is my offer? Once you find your audience, then you need to create your offer. Market research is key here. Once you find your audience, you must also find their pain points and create a customized offer based on being the ultimate solution to their pain points.
How Do I Market My Offer on Social Media Using the Root Chakra?
By getting clear on your offer, your platform of choice, and your audience, all you would have to do is market yourself.
Creating an offer that nobody can refuse. Easy to say, right? How can I make an offer that nobody can turn down? Well, you create an offer by making an offer everyone needs (social media marketing + energy healing is what everyone needs, whether they know it or not, that’s why I created The Business Chakra System™). Make a core offer that is premium priced and then create lower-tiered offers. Don’t sacrifice your value for the price!
Get on a platform that you love. AND on a platform where your audience lives on. Facebook is an all-around platform, great for the everyday person, and lots of niches are on there, but TikTok is for the younger crowd, and you can gain a lot of steam quickly.
You should be able to create content quickly and easily with the platform you choose; REMEMBER: if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it, BUT make sure you are doing everything you can to push yourself simultaneously.
Check on your money mindset. Your root chakra also rules your money mindset, so check your posts' content, language, and overall feel. Do they have the feeling of lack or scarcity mentality, or do they feel abundant?
When blocked, you have a lot of fear. Your root chakra also stores your fear, so if you are afraid of doing something, your root chakra will be blocked. Take steps every day to move out of your comfort zone. If you have a fear of going live, don’t go live until you feel ready, but at the same time, push yourself. Go live once a week instead of once a day. Once a month if you feel comfortable but challenge yourself to go live more. If you can only write a blog post once a month, do it, but then every single day, challenge yourself to write out 100 words every day. Then by the end of the week, you will have enough words for a blog post!
When you do all of these things, you can open up your Muladhara chakra a little bit more for your business.
What Else?
How can else can you clear the root chakra? There’s more you can do. You can not only clear the root chakra by doing the things above, but you can also work on money mindset.
You can:
Start drawing on your childhood experiences with money. Write out how you heard about money growing up and how it affected you.
Look, feel, and act like you are abundant. Abundance is a state of mind, not always material! Don’t buy a Chanel bag if you can’t afford it, but you can buy something that feels like you are wearing Chanel.
Create a number in your head. But don’t focus on it; just have it around where you can see it.
Flow comes from feeling like you already have it. Abundance is out there for you to take; you already have it. It’s there for you to take. That energy flows through your root. Charge your water with these words: “I am making $5k/month,” “I already have my dream home with the pool and dog”, “I am making more than I want every single month, and I am more worried about the overflow of money than the underflow”.
Childhood experiences might be painful for some around money, so please make sure you are seeing a trauma-informed therapist or life coach who can help you heal through this pain.
What is The Business Chakra System™?
The Business Chakra System™ is a system where you combine the power of chakras and the power of marketing, branding, and creating systems for your business. Each chakra represents a different part of your business, and with energy healing and a business strategy that is also marketing centered, you can thrive! The Business Chakra System™ works for any business of any size and at any stage, from the humble startup to the big corporation. Each business has a different area it can improve on. With business chakras, you can gain more clarity on which areas need help and heal them by using simple techniques and strategies that can change your entire outlook. It helps you create more income and revenue and build your dream life.
Wanna Learn More?
Spiritual businesses are way different than any other business out there. They often need the heart to go with the strategy, and that’s what I do best. Creating a sustainable marketing strategy starts at the root, which is your root chakra, I go into your business chakras and personally develop the right strategy for you! Interested? Schedule a call with me right now!