How To Manifest On The Moon Phases
How To Manifest On The Moon Phases
It’s the new moon in Cancer! It’s also my mom’s birthday, so it’s a lot of cool energy happening. My mom would’ve been 64 today and I had a dream last night that my mom gave me $70,000 to me and my brother. Which is shocking. I mean I was still taking care of her cause she was sick, but it was so nice to see her on the other side. It’s also an amazing time to manifest great things! I have manifested some amazing things recently, and I am about to manifest more into my life. There’s a lot we can manifest right now, and I am going to show you.
What is Manifestation?
Manifestation is the art of working with the universe’s energy to have things show up in your life. Ever heard of the law of attraction? The Secret? Affirmations? Afformations? Yes there is such a thing as afformations. It’s where you say your affirmation in the present tense. For example, “Isn’t it nice how I just received $5,000?” You can manifest things in your life by working with the universe’s vibration. You can truly create the life you want if you work with the energy around you. When you learn the right way to manifest for your specific energy and your vibe, the sky is the limit.
What is the Right Way to Manifest?
There really is no “right” way to manifest anything into your life. Yes you can do candle magic, you can write “Thank you universe for the $5,000 you gave to me” 33 times for 3 days, you can script out your life with the money, soulmate, house or whatever you want to manifest in your life, you can take cinnamon and speak into the cinnamon as you blow it into your house, you can also speak your affirmations into your water. I would say try out all of these methods and see which one works for you. It’s also important that you match the vibration of your manifestation.
Why Your Vibration Matters
You CANNOT manifest anything in a low vibrational energy. Let me repeat that. You cannot manifest anything in a low vibrational energy. In fact, you will manifest the opposite of what you want in a low vibe energy or you will simply manifest the same energy you put out. I will give an example. In my agency days, I really longed to get out of that place. I was not getting paid well and the clients were borderline abusive. I was in a home where my mom just recently passed away so all that energy was there and I was also in lack mentality. All of these things prevented me from getting the job I really wanted. It really wasn’t until I left that job and I was able to get in a better space mentally that I actually got what I thought was a dream position in Atlanta. I ended up getting laid off 18 months later, but for a while I was living the dream. I also got my dream apartment. It was everything I wanted to the T. Sometimes you just have to get yourself out of an environment to manifest.
Taking Inspired Action
One of the most important things in the manifestation process is taking inspired action. What steps are you taking to make your manifestations a reality? When I was trying to look for a job I was taking inspired action every single day. I applied to jobs in my area but I was also looking for jobs elsewhere. I was also writing in my journal every single night of what I wanted. When you show up every single day, taking inspired action, and doing the things the move the needle forward for your manifestations, you will surprised at what shows up!
Matching the Energy
This is specific to money manifestation, but it can also apply to other things as well, like manifesting your soulmate. You have to match the energy of the manifestation. If you want to manifest $5,000 you need to show up as the person who already manifested it. How does the person who earned an extra $5000 a month show up as? What are you doing? Who are your clients or your customers? How do you walk? How do you talk? What are you buying? When you step into that energy, you will manifest it!
Let’s Get Aligned!
I am actually offering a special offer for new clients that need help manifesting their online presence. It's a 12-week social media coaching offer with light implementation on my end. That means I am right there side by side strategizing with you and even putting these strategies into action for 12 weeks.
Here's what will happen
✨ We meet on zoom once a week to work through your current issues on your social media pages and I will provide training, workarounds, whatever we need to move this needle forward for you
✨ I will give you a road map on where you currently are with social media and how to quantum leap forward for the next three months
✨ I will actually HELP YOU SET UP AND IMPLEMENT what you need to implement (FB ads, a funnel, email/text marketing campaigns, etc)
✨ I am also a psychic medium and an intuitive that works with energy so I can help you with any blocks you have in your business!
Normally offers like this go for $3,500 - $5,000.
Here's where it gets interesting. I am offering this for....just $1000 upfront OR $400 month for the payment plan.
That's a full-on social media marketing plan, business strategy, and coaching for as little as $1,000 for three months or just $400 per month! 😱
Ready to work with me? Apply right here.