How to Trust Your Own Intuition
How to Trust Your Intuition
Go with your gut. It’s easier said than done right? We live in such a masculine-driven world that combines analytics, science, and data to make decisions. Which are all great things, but as I explained in my chakras blog post, there’s no balance between the feminine and the masculine. We live in a world where working 18 hour days seven days a week is celebrated. I had a friend tell me that one time she had a miscarriage at work like actually delivered her baby in the toilet, and just kept going cause she worked in a completely male-dominated environment. She didn’t think they’d understand.
We Need to Change the System
Again, this is also easier said than done. We are currently going through a pivotal moment in history. We just saw how broken our healthcare system is and how broken the current ways of our working environments are. As a digital marketer, I had the amazing privilege of my first real-world job being at an agency where I just completely worked from home. This worked out well for me cause at the time my mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 Pulmonary Hypertension, and I needed to take her to several doctor’s appointments, administer medication, and take care of her. My mind was completely blown when I had several HR recruiters at top companies in the US tell me if I was okay coming into the office and get a “real office” experience. Well what is a “real office” experience?
Okay, I’ll buy the fact that I can get more social in a real office environment. However, if we are talking about productivity the office environments, I worked in right after that position drove productivity down with the negativity spewed in the environment combined with cubicles which gave you less than ideal personal space. Add stress from the projects due from the managers above you and you’ve got a recipe for disaster for an empath.
Can Empaths Thrive in the Typical Work Environment?
It all depends on how far you are in the spiritual path. Transmutation is key to creating a work environment that is right for you, but if your calling is different then you will never feel at home in the typical work environment. What is the typical work environment? Exactly what you are thinking of. It’s the Monday through Friday 8-5 job, typically an office cubicle environment, if you are a manager, director, or senior leadership of some sort you probably have your own office. If you were lucky like me, you got your own office cause there was such a high turnover rate in the sales team! Unless you are a nurse, doctor, firefighter, or some sort of service worker, you are probably sitting at a desk all day.
What Does This Have to do with Intuition?
If you don’t know what your true purpose is, then you will be stuck in dead-end jobs like I was for 5-6 years. All because I never listened to my gut and the three psychics that told me before to start my own business back in 2012, when I graduated college. I listened to the people on the outside, the people who had no idea about my gifts, the people who were all miserable at their positions that having a salary, 401k, and time off was the way to do things.
So you mean to tell me that we are all meant to be miserable at our positions, get married to people we don’t really love, and have 2.5 kids because society tells us to? Of course no offense to all the people who find true happiness in all these things, but most people who say they are happy are just not.
If I followed my gut sooner, who knows where I’d be by now? I bet I’d be wildly successful by now, but I totally believe in divine timing. We are all meant to be where we are at this exact moment.
How Do I Trust My Gut?
This is a difficult one. There’s no right or wrong way to tap into your intuition, but trusting it is another ball game altogether. It’s a lifelong journey that psychics make a lot of money on. No shade to psychics, I love them all and I am one! Once you trust your gut, there will be no need to see another psychic ever again. If you are anything like me, you are probably someone with some sort of intuitive or psychic ability. There are many exercises you can do to trust your intuition and here are just a few:
Journal every single day. You tap into your subconscious when you journal and when things pour out of you, you will release abilities you don’t know you’ve had! I learned to automatic write this way.
The first thought you’ve had about a decision, situation, or experience, is your gut instinct. It’s never wrong, and pay attention to those particular thoughts more.
Take a walk in nature. Most of us ground ourselves in nature and it’s a fantastic way to tap into your intuition. Listen to the thoughts in your head, especially the ones that came first. Ask questions about that thought and dive deeper.
Keep practicing! Practice makes perfect, in order to trust your intuition, you need to trust yourself. Have confidence in it and your ability by practicing. There are several sources online, here’s one from The University of Minnesota.
I Need Help!
Developing your intuition is one of the best things you can learn as a business owner. When you learn how to perfect it, it’s absolutely priceless. I intuitively work with you to create the amazing business you want while you grow spiritually. People like us need someone who truly understands their business, how you work spiritually and how what you do impacts people’s lives. As a psychic medium, intuitive, and a bad-ass marketer I can do all of the above and more. Interested? Schedule a call with me right now!