5 Ways To Boost Your Social Media During the Holiday Season!
5 Ways To Boost Your Social Media During the Holiday Season!
Ah, it's that time of the year! Snow is on the ground, gingerbread cookies are baking, and the Christmas lights are flashing. It's also time to re-strategize for the new year. Have you asked yourself the following: what worked, what didn't, and what can you do better? If you haven't now is a great time to ask yourself these questions. What worked for me? Getting consistent on social media. What didn't work? Not showing up on camera more. What can I do better? Getting more consistent about being on camera and asking for the sale. Creating space for allowing creativity to flow freely is another thing I am working on this year.
1. Create Holiday-Themed Content!
This is a very obvious one, but you should always try to integrate some holiday-themed content into your feed. Whether it's a reel, TikTok, story, or some sort of video; you should integrate a holiday jingle, offer value, and show off your expertise. 25 days of manifesting miracles, 12 ways to start off the new year right, etc. Use holiday-themed emojis like this one: πand create branding material specifically around the holidays. Remember the E's of engagement: Educate, Emotion, and Entertain. As long as you have these E's in place in your content, you will always have engagement!
2. Go Live.
You've heard me say this multiple times, but going live is seriously one of the most important things you can do right now for your engagement on Facebook and Instagram. Create a content list of things you want to talk about on your Facebook or Instagram live, If you also have LinkedIn Live access, create a list for that as well. Create some structure about your lives, introduce yourself and the topic. Talk about the topic and leave some room for questions at the end. If you don't know what you want to talk about, ask your audience! This is the best way I create content for Facebook and Instagram lives. It takes a lot of practice to be very good at live video, but you do it once, you can do it once a week!
3. Offer Holiday Deals.
I created some holiday deals recently, one was for Black Friday where my ebooks were all 50% off. I also created another ebook with the preorder for the new year. It's also a great idea to offer holiday discounts on your digital products for the people in your close client circle, especially if these guys are high paying clients. If you have a Facebook group with over 100 members, then you could give a $5 discount to all members of your group. If you have a loyalty text membership club, offer a discount to those guys. You can even give something away for free in exchange for a testimonial, but I don't suggest you do something like this for a very long time. Try to create space for a lot of growth!
4. Collaborate!
This is literally one of the best techniques out there to boost your social media during the holidays. Network with people doing the same thing you are doing and just collaborate. You will expand your reach and both of you can get new customers/clients out of it. There is no downside to this and I always love collaborating with other marketers. There's always something the other person is doing that you don't know about and you can either do a Facebook live, podcast, webinar, or whatever you feel is best for your audience. There's a woman I know in Atlanta who collaborates with her friend on her new moon ritual every single month for a low ticket price. It brings both of them clients every single month!
5. Be Yourself!
This is quite obvious, but honestly, the best way to create the best content on social media is to be your unique self. What is the one thing you can offer that no one else really does? Bring your personality to your content. Here's the thing, in 2021, there is going to be a lot going on in video and audio. If you aren't comfortable on camera, you need to. Or you will need someone to be the face of your business. You don't need to be a flamboyant personality. Just be you! More people will buy into YOU than any other person out there. Sell yourself first then sell what you want to sell. Nurture your audience, provide value every single day, and you will get people interested in what you offer.
There's a short window of time.
The holidays around the winter last only for about a month and maybe two if you are lucky, so when you are creating your holiday deals, you really need to create FOMO around them. "This deal won't last long!", "Tierra said she just got her first $5k from my program.", "This price goes up to x amount of dollars after January 1st, so buy in right now". Here's the thing, you don't want to put this same offer out again, when you say it's a limited time offer, it needs to be a limited time offer. Now you can definitely re-package this deal in the summer, but you will have to add a different take on it with a different value attached to it.
Are you ready for 2021?
Speaking of limited time offers, my prices are going up in January! If you are even thinking about working with The Spirit Digital on some level, now is the perfect time to do it. Everything is going to change in 2021, from my discovery calls to my coaching packages, it's all going to have a new fee and a new spin. The first thing that is going to change is my 30-minute discovery call, which is now going to be a 15-minute discovery call. Anything after 15 minutes is going to be invoiced. The calls are still going to be 30 minutes long before January, so if you have the slightest hint of getting new branding, websites, social media strategies done for your business, now is the time to get on a call. Please go here to schedule your call with The Spirit Digital today!